A nurse's hands holding a patient's hands.

Expert Wound Care Support for Hospice Providers

The Wound Company harnesses the power of technology to deliver specialized wound care support for hospice providers. Through virtual and in-person consultations with our wound and ostomy specialists, both providers and patients receive the expert guidance they need for effective care. Together, we improve healing, comfort, and quality of life. 

An elderly man walks away, elderly hands with tubing, an exhausted hospice nurse.

Helping you meet the challenges of hospice wound care

Our wound and ostomy experts integrate seamlessly with hospice care teams in homes, nursing facilities, and hospice centers. We offer detailed wound management plans and unlimited support to help hospice nurses, intake managers, and case managers provide enhanced care. 

Here’s how we support you as you face issues, including:

Vulnerable patient population

Patients in end-of-life care have a high risk for developing wounds due to age, frailty, immobility, or illness. Our wound experts help hospice providers intervene early to prevent serious wound-related complications. 

High staffing costs

Finding and hiring wound and ostomy experts is expensive and time-consuming. We provide a simple, streamlined, and cost-effective hospice staffing solution that saves resources and improves your margin. 

Discouraged providers

Hospice providers are stretched thin caring for patients with complex illnesses. They may not have the time or training to provide the level of wound and ostomy care their patients need and deserve. Our expertise helps relieve this burden, so your team feels more confident.

Wound healing and palliative wound care, made easy with The Wound Company

When you partner with The Wound Company to strengthen your hospice care team, you’ll find: 

Specialized expertise

Our certified wound and ostomy experts care for a range of non-healing wounds, including pressure injuries, venous ulcers, and skin tears. Our experts focus on the unique needs of hospice patients, such as relieving pain and providing comfort.

Easy access

Virtual and in-person services mean expert wound and ostomy care comes to you. Whether your patients are immobile or live in remote or underserved areas, your wound care consultant is always just a text, call, email, or video chat away. 

Better care

We provide individualized and comprehensive wound management plans. Our specialists address everything from dressings and supplies to skin care, nutrition, infection prevention, and repositioning.

How our wound care solution works

Our complete technology platform makes advanced wound and ostomy care efficient, convenient, and accessible. Here’s how it works:

  • Icon of a computer and phone notifying The Wound Company.


    Notify us when you receive a hospice patient with a wound or ostomy. 

  • Icon of a nametag saying hello!


    We connect your hospice provider to one of our experienced wound care experts.

  • Icon of a Wound Company detailed plan.


    Our expert performs an evaluation and provides a detailed wound management plan.

  • Icon of a Wound Company nurse with a smile and little rays of sunshine.


    Your hospice provider has unlimited access to this wound care consultant to ask questions, get supply recommendations, and request patient assessments.

Virtual wound and ostomy care

Hospice providers have convenient and unlimited remote access to our wound care specialists via video, text, phone, and email. Consult with us as frequently as needed to feel confident about the care you provide. We can also directly support your patients virtually.

In-person wound and ostomy care

For complicated or severe wounds that require in-person evaluation and care by one of our experts, we can deploy a specialist to the patient.

  • In the landscape of end of life care, when changes can often occur quickly and with a significant impact to a patient's quality of life, the convenience and ease of scheduling virtual visits through The Wound Company has allowed for changes in real time that support our hospice patients and caregivers and promote their comfort during a precious time of life. So grateful to have this resource!

    — Hospice RN Supervisor

  • My mother developed several wound ulcerations on her left leg that, despite conventional therapy, seemed to progress... We met weekly with [The Wound Company] via Zoom who provided advice to the hospice nurse on the best approach to treating her wounds. This was very effective in preventing further deterioration. We are very grateful for [their] counsel and support in dealing with this difficult situation.

    — Patient's Family

A solution for healthcare’s biggest wound care challenges

Our outcomes speak for themselves:

  • 50% Reduced costs pie chart

    Reduced costs

    Cost savings of up to 50% on supporting hospice patients with wound and ostomies using appropriate supplies and treatment plans

  • 43% lower staffing expense pie chart

    Lower staffing expense

    43% reduction in hospice staffing expenses for wounds and ostomies

  • 90% improved satisfaction pie chart

    Improved satisfaction

    90% of patients’ families report a high degree of satisfaction with the wound and ostomy care their loved one received at the end of life

Partner with us

Empower your hospice care team with our wound and ostomy specialists. Learn more about how to partner with The Wound Company.